Rainy Days and Mondays…
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Live your life in spite of the possible chaos or you may miss the beauty in it tooYep, it’s Friday… which is MY Monday. And I wanted to share my weird thought for the day…

I’ve been driving back and forth to California for several months now. And there have been several things that have crossed my mind in regards to getting back and forth safely.

* Will we be on this side of the border when the next earthquake hits (I’d be fine if I never felt the earth move under my feet)…

* Will we get past the fires safely every day (thankfully, there are several back routes to get where we go to that will keep us far away from where many of the worst ones have been)…

* Will we run into any mudslides (always happens after they get fires almost out because there’s no vegetation left to keep it from sliding)…

* And today I also found myself wondering when we’ll end up on one the higher elevations in snow (the Grapevine and Tehachapi are bound to have some eventually)…

And yet I made it here!

There are mudslides going on in southern California. We drove through some really heavy duty fog. The traffic was the usual… heavy in some places and several accidents along the way.

My point? There are tons of things that can (and will) go wrong in life every day. And I hear people say all the time that “there’s no way I’d go do this or that if things like that might happen”. Well, you can certainly live your life that way if you choose and let the “what-ifs” keep you from doing the things you need or want to do… or you can get out there and live your life in spite of all the things that could possibly happen.

It’s a choice! I hope you choose every day to live your life in spite of its crazy obstacles and issues! Otherwise you might miss the beauty and rainbows that life has to offer!!

Take care,
Debi aka @GenXBrat

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I'm a passionate, down-to-earth gal who spends as much time as possible making fun of myself and the world around me. I'm a big kid with a lot of thoughts that I don't mind sharing AND, I love to teach. Anything. Everything. As long as it's fun.

Warning: I was raised in a VERY sarcastic household so my sense of humor always leans that way. :)

But if I can make you think, make you laugh, or give you a moment to pause... life is good!:D

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