Rose Scented Witch Hazel Inspires a Joke
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Thayers Rose Witch HazelI just got my new bottle of Thayers Rose Petal Witch Hazel last week. I laughed when I opened the box because I remembered a conversation my son and I were having a few months back.

I’m not sure how the conversation had gotten started, but I mentioned that Witch Hazel is great for a lot of things, including hemorrhoids (and just so you don’t have to ask… I gave birth so yes, I do occasionally).

Anyway, I told him you can get regular witch hazel too if you don’t necessarily wanna smell like roses.

Of course that’s when it crossed both our minds… rose scented toner for hemorrhoidsI just KNOW there’s a really rude joke there somewhere!! 🙂


All jokes aside, I remember when I was younger, witch hazel was something used as an astringent for your face. A friend had some that I tried once. I remember a tingling sensation… but not necessarily feeling that my skin was as clean as when I used soap. (Of course I was much younger and didn’t know about dry skin or a need to hydrate… wash it ALL off, then you’ll know it’s clean!)

But this particular witch hazel doesn’t contain any alcohol, so there’s no “tingling” or “burning” sensations involved. It also contains vitamin E and Aloe Vera which helps to soothe your skin or any bug bites you may have gotten while enjoying the great outdoors (or your back patio as the case may be!).

I read many reviews before ordering this product (as I always do) and found that most people use it as a toner and for acne. 80% of over 2500 reviewers gave it a 5-star rating. That’s unheard of with most products, so I went looking for the “bad” reviews.

Most of the 1-star reviews seem to be from people who have super-sensitive skin, although some of the 5-star reviewers had stated that they did as well. Of the 5-star reviews though, those folks had continued with the product for a full week and found that it reversed the issues and their skin had never felt better. So maybe it’s the initial cleaning that’s drawing out all the dirt. But do be aware of this is you’re skin is sensitive.

Personally, I haven’t used it on my face much so I couldn’t really give an honest opinion on that. But for hemorrhoids, it works great to keep them away (and to help get rid of any that even THINK about causing issues!).

And I LOVE the smell!!

We’ll talk later,

p.s. Have you used an astringent? Do you prefer the alcohol kind or are they drying as most people say? I didn’t really use this much as a kid or as an adult so I’m not sure how many people actually use this kind of thing.

I'm a passionate, down-to-earth gal who spends as much time as possible making fun of myself and the world around me. I'm a big kid with a lot of thoughts that I don't mind sharing AND, I love to teach. Anything. Everything. As long as it's fun.

Warning: I was raised in a VERY sarcastic household so my sense of humor always leans that way. :)

But if I can make you think, make you laugh, or give you a moment to pause... life is good!:D

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