7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip (Low Carb Style)
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This is a recipe that my mom got from her best friend way back when I was in high school. I still remember the day that I came home and mom told me to taste it. She pointed at this plate that literally looked like someone had just emptied a baby’s diaper onto a plate.

Needless to say my first comment was, “I don’t think so!”

NOT an Argument I Was Going to Win!

She said it was Mexican Bean Dip, to which my reaction was “not hardly!”. I was then told to mind my manners because her friend had made it. My thought was if you don’t want your food to be insulted, then you shouldn’t bring things over that look like baby poo!

Then she explained that it was really delicious and if I just gave it a chance, I would find out how very addictive it is.

So I asked her what was in it. She started listing off the ingredients and, other than the beans, black olives and shredded cheese, there was NOTHING in this dip that I eat!

But given that my stubbornness comes naturally, there really was going to be no end to this conversation that didn’t end in my tasting a seven layer dip, of which five layers I couldn’t stand!

Eat like no one will see you naked! Wouldnt that be great!!So. I. Tasted. It. And Oh. My. Gosh! it was absolutely delicious, and definitely addictive. All I can say is that the four layers of crap I didn’t like, blended together with the three that I did, and created a heavenly Mexican wonderfulness! And no, I don’t just mean that it tastes good and I’ll keep making it once a year. This is something I could eat every day… ALL day. If only I didn’t mind becoming twice my size!!

As my taste buds have matured, I can honestly say that there are now only two of the layers that I would not eat alone. LOL

Since then, I’ve been making this dip at least once a year – I used to just make it for Christmas or New Year’s. Now I make it whenever I want!

It’s always a big hit with anyone who eats it (my son is still NOT one of those people). Of course I make it a point to keep it layered (meaning I’m willing to slap people who start mixing it together on the platter itself!) so that it never looks like baby poo (or make sure those eating it have seen it before everything starts getting mixed together!)

I’m sharing the recipe here so that others may enjoy it and so my son will have access to it long after I’m gone. Mostly I’m sharing it here so that I don’t ever have to worry about losing the damn recipe again (yes, I misplaced it once and thought I was forever dipless).

Let’s Start With a Few Dip Tips:

  • General – If you want to be able to see all the colors of the layers when it’s done, simply leave about a quarter inch along the edge of each layer so you can see what’s underneath. I don’t do this for a couple reasons. First, I want every bite to contain ALL the flavors. And second, by the time I put the cheese over all of it when it’s done, you can barely tell that you left the edges… and really, who’s gonna look when they’re shoving a chip or spoon into it? 🙂
  • Tomatoes – Once you’ve chopped them, you want to drain as much liquid out of them as possible in order to keep them from making your dip watery. You can spread them out on paper towels, then add use more paper towels to the top of them until they no longer soak the towels. Or, you can put them into a strainer once they’re chopped, place a couple paper towels over the top, and press out the liquid. If you use this method, you’ll want to stir them and repeat a couple times to get them all a bit drier.
  • Black Olives – I’m lazy when it comes to cooking, even when it comes to a recipe I love as much as this one. So I bought chopped olives once so I could save some chopping time. They just are NOT the same, so if you’re gonna go to all this work to begin with, chop them yourself!!
  • Recipe: 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip (Low Carb Version)

    For those of you who don’t worry so much about carbs, here’s the original recipe. You can see how to put it all together (and low carb it) below…

        Layer #1 – 2 cans of bean dip
        Layer #2 – 3 avocados, 2 tsp. lemon juice, salt & pepper
        Layer #3 – 1 cup sour cream, 1/2 cup mayonaisse, 1 pkg. taco seasoning
        Layer #4 – 1 large bunch of green onions, chopped
        Layer #5 – 3 medium tomatoes, chopped and drained well!!
        Layer #6 – 1 can large black olives, diced
        Layer #7 – 8 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded

        Layer each row. Serve with nacho cheese chips or plain tortilla chips (I prefer the nacho cheese or taco flavor ones). Serves 8-10 (if they don’t like it, or you’re offering other foods!)

    The Platter

    This is the tray I use when I make the full recipe (yes, you can cut the recipe in half… but WHY!?!) It’s basically a 12×12 platter with edges (works great to hold everything). If you don’t already have something like it, check my suggestions at the bottom of this post since the company no longer seems to make these.

    Tray used for 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Layer 1 – The Bean Dip

    This one’s super simple. I buy the Frito’s brand in a can. I know I can make my own, but I’m lazy… and there’s enough chopping involved in this recipe to “kill a horse” as they say!

    I prefer the hot kind, but I do believe they make one without the jalapenos as well if you’re just not made that way. 🙂

    Fritos Hot Bean Dip - Layer 1 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Here’s the nutrition information for the beans (because I know my low carb friends will ask). Serving size is 2 tbsp. There’s approximately 7 servings per can. 5 grams of carbs per serving. 2 grams of fiber per serving. So, total carbs for the can is 35 grams. Net carbs for the can is 21. At 12 servings, you’re either at almost 2.92 grams per serving or 1.75 grams.

    Fritos Hot Bean Dip - Layer 1 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Regardless of whether you buy it already made or make your own, just spread it evenly on the bottom of your serving platter. It doesn’t have to be fancy. No one’s gonna see it. You just want all the layers fairly evened out.

    Layer 1 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Layer 2 – Guacamole

    The ingredients are simple… Guavacados, salt, pepper and lemon.

    Guacamole - Layer 2 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Once you’ve combined the ingredients, you’ll want to place spoonfuls around the platter… makes it MUCH simpler to spread out evenly.

    Guacamole - Layer 2 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Just like the bean dip, spread the guacamole out, without mixing it with the layer below.

    Guacamole - Layer 2 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Layer 3 – The Taco Seasoning Layer

    For this one, I used to use prepackaged taco seasoning. If you’re not watching your carbs, feel free to just use your favorite kind. Since I now eat low carb, I make my own. I’ve included the recipe for you here.

  • Low Carb Taco Seasoning Recipe
    Low Carb Taco Seasoning Recipe

    Recipe: Genaw.com

    You can use the packaged seasoning mix, or use the low carb version above.

    Taco Seasoning Layer Ingredients for my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    As with the other layers, place spoonfuls around your platter to make it easier to spread evenly.

    Taco Layer - Layer 3 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Spread the mixture evenly around the platter.

    Taco Layer - Layer 3 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Layer 4 – Green Onions

    I chop the onions a bit finer than this size before adding them to the dip. Keep in mind that, even if you’re a huge green onion fan, you don’t want to add more than what’s called for because when the flavors all meld together in the fridge, the onions can become overwhelming.

    Chopped Green Onions - Layer 4 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Once you have the onions all chopped, simply sprinkle them evenly around the platter. Isn’t it getting pretty?!

    Green Onion Layer - Layer 4 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Layer 5 – Tomatoes

    Here’s about the size I chop them to. Be sure to re-read the tips above to get the liquid out of the tomatoes. This particular tip can make or break your dip!

    Chopped Tomatoes - Layer 5 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Sprinkle the chopped tomatoes evenly around the platter.

    Tomato Layer - Layer 5 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Layer 6 – Black Olives

    The recipe calls for one can, chopped. I personally love black olives, and since they’re not super over-whelming flavor-wise, so I use an extra half a can. The last time I made it, this is the brand I happened to have on hand. I’ve used other brands… one from the 99 Cent store, and another from our local Mexican market. Both were really good. The only ones I don’t like are the Kroger brand. I use a lot of other Kroger brand products… but this one just isn’t good.

    Black Olives - Layer 6 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Once your olives are chopped, sprinkle them evenly around the platter (you’re nearly done!!)

    Black OlivesLayer - Layer 6 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Layer 7 – Shredded Cheese

    You can use cheddar cheese or even a Mexican blend if you prefer, but I personally like the Colby Jack blend.

    Colby Jack Block Cheese

    I’ve included the nutrition information here again for my low carb friends. I used to use pre-shredded cheese, but again, if you’re a low carb person, you’ll want to use the block cheese and shred it yourself. It also typically takes less cheese to get the same flavor!

    Colby Jack Block Cheese Nutrition Info

    If you have an automatic cheese grater, awesome. I still use the old-fashioned kind shown here… just be sure to watch your knuckles if you use one of these… no one wants your shredded fingers in the dip!! 🙂 The graters I’ve seen nowadays come with rubber grips and non-slip rubber bottoms if you don’t have one yet!

    Block Cheese Shredder and Slicer

    Sprinkle the shredded cheese over the entire dip. The amount you use will depend on how much cheese you like, and whether you use the pre-shredded or block cheese. As I mentioned, if you shred your own, the flavor comes thru much stronger, so you’ll need less.

    Shredded Cheese Layer - Layer 7 of my 7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip

    Final Note To My Fellow Low Carbers

    Yes, there are beans in this dip. And yes, I realize that beans aren’t part of a low carb lifestyle.

    But here’s the thing. The one can of hot bean dip that’s in this recipe is only 21 net carbs for the entire can.

    At 12 servings per dip, that’s just 1.75 net carbs per serving.

    The original recipe calls for two cans of bean dip. You’re certainly welcome to leave them out altogether if you choose. I chose not to because if I leave it out, then I have to change the entire name of the recipe because it will have neither seven layers NOR beans!

    And what the hell is a 7-layer bean dip that has 6 layers and NO beans!?

    Finding the Right Serving Tray

    As I was writing this post, I wanted to be sure you knew what kind of tray I use, so I looked at it a bit closer. The bottom logo says it’s made by “Anchor Hocking”.

    I wasn’t sure who they were or if they were even still around (this was my mom’s and I think we got it when we got our first microwave… and yes, that was when microwaves were first invented!… shut up… I know how old I am!).

    Anyway, I went to their website and it seems that, while they do still exist, they no longer carry this platter.

    My first thought was that if I ever had to replace it, I’d simply go to Amazon and find a 12×12 square platter that I like. So I went searching for one I’d like.

    Well, it seems that nowadays people like ovals and rectangles… finding a 12×12 square was next to impossible!!

    And since I hate to mention what I use and then have you not be able to find an equivalent, I spent some time (my usual 2 hours+), searching and reading reviews as if I were looking to replace my own platter.

    Here are the main things I looked for:

  • Sturdiness – the dip is fairly heavy once all the ingredients are put together and you definitely don’t want to drop it while getting it to the table! Not to mention I’m my own worst hazard in my kitchen so “hard to break” is a good thing!
  • Price – As much as I love my dip, I’m one of those “functional” people vs. “pretty”, so I typically spend as little as I have to to get the job done. If you’re looking for something to match your dishes or decor, you may want to find something more to your liking. 🙂
  • Free shipping – I regularly spend over $35, I’m not an Amazon Prime member, and I hate paying for shipping!
  • Enough room – I know the 12×12 works great for the recipe, so I searched for something equivalent. There wouldn’t be an issue going to a 12×8, you’d just wanna make sure that most of that space is useable (my 12×12 has edges that go straight up at the sides, while many of the oval/circular ones tend to have a gradual flare from the bottom so you lose spreadable space). If I went oval, I’d probably move to a 14×10 or 16×8.
  • So, with all that in mind, here are the ones I’d personally order:

    Endurance rectangular platter - Its not much to look at, but it will keep the focus on the incredible dip you brought!!American Metalcraft offers The Endurance Melamine Collection Rectangular Platter. There weren’t as many reviews as I usually like to have and, since one of the reviews said it was too light (not a good thing), I went to the reviews of the other Metalcraft platters in other shapes.

    The overwhelming opinion is that their brand is extremely durable, so I’d buy it. Also, it’s 18 inches by 8.25 inches, which is a bit larger than I’d like, but with the 2 extra inches, it gives you a way to “show” all the layers off, or you could put chips around the edge to pretty up the dip for serving… because yes, it’s white and fairly plain… but it’s functional dammit!

    Corelle has a couple of platters I like. I’ve always liked Corelle because it’s so damn hard to break. I know they say you can’t break them at all, but trust me, you can!

    They do have to land just right for that to happen, so they’re useful for people like me who inevitable will drop them more than once! They’re also super durable and still really light (I prefer to add the weight to my dishes with the food, not the ceramics because then I can eat more!) 🙂

    There’s a Corelle Livingware 12-1/4-Inch Serving Platter that’s white, plain, and will match whatever you put it with (unless you have super dark dishes… but I like a contrasting look too).

    Corelle Coordinates Melamine Tidbit Tray - simple, but the right sizeAnd then there’s their Corelle Coordinates Melamine Tidbit Tray with simple lines. When I first saw it, I thought a “Tidbit” would be too small. But it’s 16×6.5 which is still the equivalent of a 12×10. And I don’t personally care if my dip is longer than wide or if it’s in a triangle shape!!

    I’d love to hear what you think about this dip if you make it so be sure to let me know in the comments! Be sure to let me know if you use any variations as well!

    Take care,
    Debi aka @GenXBrat

    p.s. Be sure to subscribe for updates and to join in on the conversations too! Not all of my recipes are low carb… some are just plain sinful!! 🙂

    I'm a passionate, down-to-earth gal who spends as much time as possible making fun of myself and the world around me. I'm a big kid with a lot of thoughts that I don't mind sharing AND, I love to teach. Anything. Everything. As long as it's fun.

    Warning: I was raised in a VERY sarcastic household so my sense of humor always leans that way. :)

    But if I can make you think, make you laugh, or give you a moment to pause... life is good!:D

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    3 thoughts on “7-Layer Mexican Bean Dip (Low Carb Style)

      1. Mary,
        That’s a REALLY great question!! I’m not sure exactly where it went so I’ve added it back into the top of the post, and I’m including here for your convenience!! Thanks so much for letting me know it isn’t there. And please, if you decide to try it out, let me know how you and your family like it!


        Layer #1 – 2 cans of bean dip
        Layer #2 – 3 avocados, 2 tsp. lemon juice, salt & pepper
        Layer #3 – 1 cup sour cream, 1/2 cup mayonaisse, 1 pkg. taco seasoning
        Layer #4 – 1 large bunch of green onions, chopped
        Layer #5 – 3 medium tomatoes, chopped and drained well!!
        Layer #6 – 1 can large black olives, diced
        Layer #7 – 8 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded

        Layer each row. Serve with nacho cheese chips or plain tortilla chips (I prefer the nacho cheese or taco flavor ones). Serves 8-10 (if they don’t like it, or you’re offering other foods!)
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