Category Archives: Rants
Genetically Modified Foods… Enough Already!
Monsanto Corn cob

Today’s notable news for me in regards to eating healthy arrived in the form of a G+ post about Monsanto, GMO foods, and the crap that Monsanto’s been creating.

Yes, I said crap.

And I’m guessing that Monsanto will never want to advertise on my blog. I promise you, I won’t lose one bit of sleep over it! …

I Admit It… I’m An Enabler!
The Enabler

Good gosh! Yes, I’m having one of those days. I’m mad. I’m frustrated. I’m in a non-people mood!

And yes, I feel I have the right to be. 🙂

Don’t get me wrong. The only one I have to blame is me. I’ve made choices over the years to be an enabler.

Hi, I’m Debi. And I’m an enabler. (Imagines all the “Hi Debi”s coming from the group). …

Rudeness Abounds!
Loser Rudeness

That’s right. I said “Abounds”. And if you don’t know what that means then Google it!

Sorry. Was that rude? Yes, it was. And I was being intentionally rude to make a point… it’s NOTICEABLE!

I don’t know whether it’s the baby boomer side of me or the midwestern in me, but people are just ticking me off more and more by their rudeness! …

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