I wasn’t sure when it was that I first started looking into how to use henna hair dye, so I checked my email to see when I’d ordered it. It was July of last year.
I’ve spent hours and hours reading different websites so I could reduce the “turn my hair green” factor once I decided to dye my hair. Given how well it turned out, I’m glad I took the time.
If you’re new to using henna hair dye and considering giving it a try, I highly suggest you do the same thing… unless of course you don’t mind having green (or some other weird color) hair for a while!

My hair’s been really dry this year. Age is playing a factor I’m sure. But the newest drying agent, besides the dry winter air, is the chlorine from the pool.
I live in Arizona and the complex we live in has a pool right outside my door. Literally, I’m about 25 steps from the gate. And in the winter, it’s heated, so I’ve been going out to swim and relax.
Last night, I decided to test whether using coconut oil as a conditioner would work as great as all the stories I keep reading online. …

I’ve never been one to set New Year’s Resolutions. I mean really, when you’re out enjoying the holiday parties, who wants to spend time thinking about how you’re going to make the next year of your life better (and typically by restricting what you do)?!
But… having said that, I am one of those people who prefers to be proactive about my health rather than wait till something bad happens… that whole “preventive medicine” thing! …