The Awesomization Nation by Nicole Dean is starting!!
Are you looking to make some changes in your life? Not living the way you’d like to be? Is your business going the way you’d planned? Or have you been wanting to start your own business but just don’t know how? How about leaving a legacy when you go. Would you like people to remember the little things you did to help leave the world just a little better than you found it?
Sounds like a tall order right!?!
If you’re interested in making changes… in your life, your business, the world, or any combination of the above but you haven’t had the support or motivation to make it happen… feel free to sign up and come join in!! Right now it’s only $17!! And for that price, you won’t believe the incredible people you’ll have access to!

My mom used to make this when we were kids. And while she always told us, “I never said I could cook, I just said I could keep us from starving!”, this was always a great meal. And to think, it came about just because she needed to stretch her food budget… and a pound of ground beef!
Nowadays I make it with ground turkey, but that’s just a personal preference. But since it’s such a simple recipe (the best kind in my book!), I wanted to share it. It’s certainly nothing fancy, but it’s delicious, healthy, and can really help you out if you’re looking for great family meals on a budget.

I never had a cast for my broken ankle. The Emergency Room doctor put me in a fiberglass cast initially (partial casting for the back and sides). But my Orthopedic Surgeon put me into a boot straight from surgery.
I’m thinking he saw “newbie” written all over my face when I walked in the door and thought, “Good grief! If I put her in a cast, she’s gonna dissolve it in the shower and I’ll be redoing it! At least in a boot she can blow dry the insert!”
And given my showering track record the first time through, he’d have been right if that was his thinking!!

My orthopedic surgeon (OS) did my second surgery on Tuesday afternoon to correct his over-correction. His physician assistant (PA) said he came out of the room looking really pleased and…

So many of you have asked where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to. I’m finally coherent enough to explain.
On February 26, I fell off the back of my pickup truck and broke my ankle… both bones in my left foot plus a torn ligament. In less than one minute, my life was turned upside down. Not as bad as some people’s, because I know I have friends tackling much worse things, but it’s definitely taken a turn for the worse.

I went to the park yesterday with my man and his grandkids.
Since I broke my ankle, they’ve come to visit and we hang out at the house drawing. And each time the get here, they ask me when if I’m still hurt.
Today when they came over, I let them know I finally got permission to walk (6 days ago), but that I was going to be slow for a bit still.

I finally got a chance to talk to my girlfriend last week and we got talking about dishes and how they suck… Not because we like talking dishes, but because my usual multitasking self was in the middle of washing mine while we were talking.
I told her I’d finally found some wash cloths that clean really well without getting all stinky and smelly within a few days!

Yep. Last week I finally made it in to get that dreaded “procedure” done. You know the one… that procedure that no one wants to talk about… EVER!
Well, I’m not shy so here it is. Yes, I got a colonoscopy done. Go ahead. You can say it. I promise it wont hurt. If you’re sitting at the dinner table, you may want to wait till later. Of course, if you’re sitting at the dinner table, you shouldn’t be reading this anyway unless you’re alone. Otherwise it’s rude!!

Back in October of last year, my blog got hacked. At that point, I thought @McAfee Site Advisor was a useful tool, since the warning that suddenly popped up saying that my blog was malicious.
I spent the next two weeks getting my blog set back up… installation of backup files, password changes, file cleanup and more.
But the popups keep showing up that say my blog’s malicious, even though everything has been fixed.